NH Colebrook Mrs John Staw $1.00
Galveston Relief Fund-Nebraska
NE Bastings German Lutheran Synod $10.85NE Beatrice Citizens of $680.74NE Fairburg Presbyterian Church $18.00NE Nebraska City Citizens $77.50NE Wauneta People of Vicinity $4.25NE West Point Citizens $150.00
Galveston Relief Fund- North Dakota
ND Fargo Colonel Morton $25.00ND Fargo J.P. Clapp $25.00
Galveston Relief Fund- Maine
ME Camden Margaret Keep $5.00ME Poland SpringsGuests of Spring House $1,729.02ME Portland J.H. Hamlen & Son $100.00
Galveston Relief Fund-Montana
MT Butte County & City Officials $700.00MT Deer Lodge W.L. Higgins $5.00
Galveston Relief Fund-Mississippi
MS Bolton Misses Mary Black & Laella Key $33.65MS Centerville Citizens of $102.35MS Columbus Elks of $100.00MS Corinth George Cox $5.00MS Crystal Springs High School $20.00MS Crystal Springs T.L. Tranuck $52.75MS Edwards Citizens of $37.00MS Ellisville Citizens of $35.45MS Grenada Pupils Grenada Collegiate Institute $6.05MS Lorenzen Standifer, Burch & Alexander $1.00MS Meridian B.V. White Grand…
Galveston Relief Fund-Missouri
MO Aurora Citizens of $129.50MO Bettison J.S.C. Spickerman $0.50MO Bornville Citizens of $60.00MO Carrollton Gideon Strang $5.00MO Carthage A.H. Baker, Manager $85.00MO Chambers J.H.N. Nienan $2.00MO Columbus Elks of $50.00MO Fredericktown Citizens of $52.00MO Huntsville Baptist Sunday School $5.00MO Huntsville J.M. Hammett Bkg Co $25.00MO Ironton Citizens through Wm S. Newman $42.00MO Ironton St Pauls…
Galveston Relief Fund-Minnesota
MN Brookhaven King’s Daughters $88.60MN Delhi Citizens of $15.00MN Minneapolis Northwestern Miller $100.00MN Sank Centre Citizens of $17.00MN Wilmot Citizens through C.W. Davis,Mayor $23.75
Galveston Relief Fund-Michigan
MI Adrian Citizens of $5.00MI Adrian Typographical Union $11.00MI Blissfield Proceeds of Baseball Game $27.00MI Detroit Parke, Davis & Co $100.00MI Harrietta Citizens of $16.00MI Saginaw Citizens of $1,000.00MI Stony Creek Katie Redner $1.00MI Traverse Congregational Church $23.50MI Vassar Pupils of Watsonville School $1.00
Galveston Relief Fund-Maryland
MD BaltimoreBenedict Bros $25.00MD BaltimoreBlack-Sheridan-Wilson Company $100.00MD BaltimoreC.W. Horner $10.00MD BaltimoreCitizens of through Baltimore News $2,500.00MD BaltimoreNorth Bros & Strauss $100.00MD BaltimoreStrouse & Bros $100.00MD BaltimoreSwindell Bros $50.00MD BaltimoreThrough Chamber of Commerce-Smith Pres $2,500.00