UDELL Oliver & wife & child 45th & UUHL Mrs Chris & 4 Children 45th & KUNDERHILL Carpenter & wife 2 weeks from El Paso-Formerly from MichiganUNGER E & wife & 4 children:Frank,Eddie& Sophie saved45th & BroadwayUITT Mary HoustonULRIDGE Adelaide ColoredVALETON Mrs & Miss Marie Lost at Glozza residenceVAMEY Mrs. B ColoredVAN BUREN Herman &…
Those Who Died-Surnames T
TARPLEY JosephTAVINETT AntonetTAYLOR Mrs. ColoredTAYLOR Mrs. J.W. 46th & KTAYLOR Calvin Colored 2314 28thTAYLOR Sarah Colored 2314 28thTAYLOR Costilla Colored 2314 28thTEAGUE Lavinia Colored & 3 children bet P1/2 & Q 27thTENBUSCH George & JohnTENBUSCH Steve butcher 44th & RTENTENBERG Mrs. A.. & ChildTERRELL Columbus & wife&3 children 4117 S?TERRELL Mrs Q.V. & 4 children…
Those Who Died-Surnames S
SANSOR Ernest LongshoremanSARGEANT Thomas & 2 children:Arthur&Alice13th & 14thAve M1/2SARME Mrs George 4513 K bet 45th & 46thSAWYER Dr. John BSCARBOROUGH Harry a fishermanSCHADERMANTLE MaudSCHADERMANTLE RandleSCHAF Mrs. & 3 childrenSCHALEA Richard & wife & son Frank 43rd & T1/2SCHELLER Charles & Mrs& 4 children35th &QSCHIERHOLZ W. & wife & 5 childrenSCHILKE Mrs. Julius & 2…
Those Who Died-Surnames R
RABB George W. & WifeRADEKER Mrs Herman & ChildRADFORD Mattie Eva Colored 32nd & ?RADFORD Claudie G ColoredRADFORD John A.ColoredRALEIGH Miss Sallie 816WinnieRANDOLPH Edith ColoredRAPHAEL NickRAVEV FamilyRAYBURN Crawford 1624 M1/2RATISSEAU Baptiste & wife & 3 Ch Louis SavedRATISSEAU P.A.RATISSEAU J.B. & wife & 4 childrenRATISSEAU C.A. & wife & 7 childrenRATISSEAU Mrs.W.L. & 3 childrenRATISSEAU …
Those Who Died-Surnames Q
QUESTER BessieQUESTOR Mrs M. & son & DauQUIN Mrs Martha? & child 8th & LQUINN Mrs. Thomas 8th & LQUINN John Missing Engineer 6th & H
Those Who Died-Surnames P
PAISLEY A.H. & wife 610 1/2 KPALMIERI Salvatore & wife & 5 children HitchcockPARORICH John & wife & 3 children Down the IslandPARORICH Michael & wife & 4 children Down the IslandPAETZ Mrs Linawife of Louis Paetz teamster-millsPAISLEY William coloredPALMER Mrs J.B. & childPARK Mrs. M.L. & Misses Alice & Lucy12th & KPARKER Miss Mary…
Those Who Died-Surnames O
OAKLEY F Shooting Gallery manOATS Charlotte ColoredOBERG HansO’CONNELL MrsO’CONNOR MamieO’DELL Miss NellieOHLSON Enfred 1714OO’DONNELL James K & wife 33rd & QO’DOWD ZetaOFFEF & family Down the IslandO’HARROW WilliamOHLSEN Mrs. Adolph 1714OO’KEEFE C.J. & WifeO’NEILL James & Franksons of James Orphan’s HomeO’NEILL Lawrence son of James 34th & PO’NEILL I, & wife & 5 children w…
Those Who Died-Surnames N
NAPOLEON Henry & wife & sister coloredNEAL a fishermanNECEY Conrad & wife& 6 children 44th & SNEIMAN CharleyNEIMANN Mrs & Miss DoraNEIMEYER Henry & wife & 5 ChildrenNEIMEYER J & family farmerNEIL E.NELSON H longshoremanNELSON Mrs. Alice & 3 children 35th & SNELSON Mrs P.E.&3 children 35th & SNELSON John P.NELSON Mrs & daughterNELSON John…
Those Who Died-Surnames M
MACGILL Unagh, dau of D.MacGillMACKEY Mrs. W.G. & 4 children M 1/2bet 13th & 14thMACLIN John & familyMACLIN J.D. & wife & 7 childrenMACLIN W.L. & wife & 3 children Down the IslandMAGILL DavidQbet 26th & 27thMALITZ TheodoreMALESO .M. & wife & 2 childrenMALTZBERGER Tony & familyMANIER Miss FisaMANNING Mark coloredMANLY Joe & mother &…
Those Who Died-Surnames L
LACKEY Mrs. Mary B.&4 daughtersPearl,Iima&2othersdauinlaw39th&S1/2LANAHAN LauraLANAHAN 4 children of John 29th & BLANDRUM B &5 children BolivarLANE Rev & familyLANE F &familyLANG 5 children of PeterLABATT HJ. Sr & wife & daughterNellieLABATT Joe & wife & 4 childrenLAFAYETTE Mrs. A.C. & childrenLAMONT Richard P.LA PIERRE James & wife & 5 children 43rd & SLARSEN Edboatkeeper…