Numerous books were published shortly after the storm. Many of those depicted the suffering, horrific experiences and heroicism of those who survived the the storm.
Lists of dead were updated and published daily for about the first month in newspapers of the many cities of Texas as well as other cities throughout the United States. After many additions and corrections a “final list of the dead” was published about a month after the Storm in the Galveston newspaper. That list is published on this site on the Those Who Died Pages
In the year 2000 when this website was created many of the books listed below were out of print and others were being published or reprinted due to the centennial observations of the Storm. It is now 2020. We have not made a study to see the availablity status of any of the books
This researcher has a copy of most of the books listed below. After supplementing the List of Those Who Died with the 1900 Galveston City Directory, which has been done and supplementing information found in the 1900 Galveston Federal Census, which has partially been completed, It is planned to go through some of the books listed below for additional information.
Blazyk, Stan, A Century of Galveston Weather: People and the Elements on a Barrier Island (Available $27.95)
Beasley, Ellen and Fox, Stephen, Galveston Architecture Guide, 1996, Houston, TX (Probably out of print)
Cline, Isaac Storms, Floods, and Sunshine, An Autoboigraphy 1945, New Orleans, Reprinted 2000, New Orleans, LA (Available $25.00)
Cline, Joseph L When the Heavens Frownded, 1946 Dallas, TX, Reprinted 2000, New Orleans (Available $17.95)
Coulter, John, Editor, The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, 1900, New York (Out of Print)
Green, Nathan C.(Editor), Story of the 1900 Galveston Hurricane, 1900 , Reprinted 2000, New Orleans, LA (Available $22.00)
Greene, Casey Edward and Kelly, Shelly Henley (Editors), Through A Night of Horrors: Voices From the 1900 Galveston Storm, 2000, College Station, Texas (Available $24.95)
Halstead, Murat, Galveston: The Horrors of a Stricken City: Portraying by Pen and Picture the Awful Calamity the Befell the Queen City on the Gulf and the Terrible Scenes that Followed the Disaster, 1900, Chicago (Out of Print)
Larson, Erik, Isaac’s Storm: A Man, A Time and the deadliest Hurricane in History, 1999 New York
Lester, Paul, The Great Galveston Disaster (Available $17.95)
Mason, Herbert Malloy, Death from the Sea: Our Greatest Natural Disaster, the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 (Out of Print)
McComb, David G., Galveston: A History, 1986, Austin, TX (Out of Print)
Miller, Ray, Ray Miller’s Galveston, 1993, Houston (Out of Print)
Ousley, Clarence Gaveston in 1900, The Authorized and Official Record of a Proud City of the Southwest as It was before and after the Hurricane of September 8, and a Logical Forcast of Its Future, 1900, Atlanta 1900 (Out of Print)
Weems, John Edward, A Weekend in September: the Dramatic Story of the Galveston Storm-the Worst Disaster Ever To Strike the North American Continent, 1957, New York (May be back in print. Publisher unknown)
Galveston Daily News Numerous issues
New Orleans